Orders & Account Information

  • Can I apply my discount to an order I have already placed?

    Once the purchase has been completed, the discount code can no longer be applied to the transaction.
  • Can I pick-up my order?

    We offer warehouse pick up on bulk orders only.  If you are arranging your own freight, please contact us at 904-725-5000 or Sales@ArmyNavyOutdoors to coordinate with our staff.
  • Check out trouble

    We use 3-D authentication for all payments made on our site. 3D Secure ensures the verification of your identity and safeguards all customers. You may encounter a notification indicating a manual verification is required, which could be sent to you via text or email to confirm your identity. The...
  • Do I have to create an account to place an order?

    If you are downloading free digital manuals, you will need to create an account in order to access the PDF files. If you are placing an order for other items, an account is not necessary. Having an account will make it easier to track your purchases and order history, as well as enable you to cr...
  • Do You Offer Military Or First Responder Discounts

    We appreciate discounts as much as you do. Our commitment to maintaining low and highly competitive prices is unwavering. Occasionally, our marketing team will send special offers via email or text messages. To ensure you receive these, remember to sign up for our emails or SMS updates at the bot...
  • How can I request a quote?

    That is a great question. If you go to our website, select the product you are wanting a quote on, then select the quantity you're looking for and click the “Request Quote” button located on the product page.Once you have all your items selected use the “Finish quote” on the bottom left of your s...
  • How Can I Set Up An Account With Tax Exemption?

    To make your account tax-exempt, please email your current State Tax Exemption certificate to Sales@ArmyNavyOutdoors.com. You will also need to create an account by visiting www.ArmyNavyOutdoors.com. Once your account is set up, please let us know so we can upload your State Tax Exemption certifi...
  • How can I track my order?

    Once your order is completed, you will receive an email confirmation containing the order number and relevant details. If you do not see this email in your inbox, please be sure to check your spam folder. We recommend creating an account, as this will allow you to login at any time to check the s...
  • How Do I download the Manuals I purchased on the website?

    If you are downloading the free digital manuals, you will need to create an account in order to access the PDF files. Simply click the download button for the free digital download of your choice, and either create a new account or simply login if you have previously created one. Once in the acco...
  • How to cancel your order.

    We know that sometimes things don't go as planned. If you need to cancel or make changes to an order, please email us at Sales@ArmyNavyOutdoors.com or call (904) 725-5000 right away. Our warehouse gets orders to you as fast as possible, and our window to help is very limited. Please note cancella...
  • How to check your order status

    To check your status, log into your account by using the "My Account" icon at the top of any page.   You should be able to see current and past orders as well as change your account information.   We hope this answers your question but please feel free to email us at sales@armynavyoutdoors.com or...
  • I did not get my order confirmation or shipping email

    We understand this happens. Tech is great when it works and frustrating when it does not. When we research these inquiries, we find that someone has either un-subscribed at to our emails at some point (our confirmation emails travel through our marketing servers so they will not send), Gmail plac...
  • I received an incomplete order

    We strive to fulfill orders quickly and efficiently, which may result in your item being shipped from multiple locations. Any split or backordered items will be indicated in the shipping confirmation email or packing slip. Please login into your account for the order updates. Should you have any ...
  • Request to remove any information or an account

    To initiate the removal of any personal information or your account, please contact us via email at sales@armynavyoutdoors.com, and we will adjust our records accordingly. If you wish to discontinue receiving emails, we advise utilizing the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of any marketing co...
  • Why is my discount code not working?

    Some offers have exclusions, and it will be stated on your offer email. Guidelines may include such things as a minimum purchase amount, a category, or brand. Most offers also exclude any item on sale, bunk beds and armor. Note that if your offer has a minimum amount it is based on your subtotal ...