How do Surplus Repairs Work

How do Surplus Repairs Work

Lifetime Repairs*:

Never Stop Using What You Love: Free Lifetime Repairs on Most Wear and Tear

Our surplus experts are here to keep your clothing and textile gear purchases in top condition. We want you to use your gear as it was intended so we offer free repairs for rips, tears, and other minor damage for surplus items you buy from us under normal use.

For repairs requiring parts or major structural damage, there may be a charge depending on the parts needed. Just send a picture to our customer service email and we'll get you taken care of.

  1. Email us at
    1. Include 2-3 images of the issue and be sure to get both a full image of the item and the repair area. Please note we may not be able to repair the damage.
    2. Include the your original order number.  If you do not have it check your web account or email us and we can help find it for you
  2. Once our staff reviews your email we will let you know if the repair can be done. We would hate for you to just send it back if we are not able to make the repair.
  3. Ship back the repair to : Army Navy Outdoors / Repair Service 1917 Standard Street Greenville Texas 75401. Be sure to include a print out of your original order that shows the return shipping address, name and contact information.  If we cannot contact you, we can't send it back.
  4. Once your gear is ready we will ship it back.

*Gear such as eyewear lenses, armour, broken metal parts, zippers, dive apparel, or plastic parts other than buckles, we are not able to be repaired.

Mar 29, 2024

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